It feels like someone just shot me in the foot!


(Thank you Google Images)

So being fat, and trying to take care of myself lends me to issues that sometimes does not infect the normal people roaming around this earth.  So I have been walking and doing my thing, and then yesterday I spent all day in my sandals.  Note to self: Right now I cannot wear sandals all day, they KILL my feet.  Anyways, because I walked all day in my sandals, and at the end of the night last night, looked down, and DAMN! That is why my heel hurt so bad.  I have like a two inch crack that is horizontal and hurts like hell.  It separated and now it hurts like a bitch, and it makes going on walks, or jogs, impossible…

So of course when things go bad, they ALL go bad.  Yesterday got a call from the shop about my car.  1400 dollars worth of damage that they want to fix on a car that I only paid like 1800 dollars to begin with only 3 months ago.  Figures…My old man said I could borrow his car for a week starting tonight, so I think I am going to try to see what kind of deal I can get on a car with a warranty.  We’ll see…

On a more positive note, my wife and I didn’t fight at all or make snide comments at each other yesterday.  We didn’t hold hands or anything running our errands, but it wasn’t bad at all.  This morning I hugged her a couple times.  She made a comment like “You just trying to push yourself on me huh?”  She was kinda kidding, but I didn’t take personal anything.  I think I said something like, “maybe”.

I guess on another good note, we as a family of four (our daughter is with baby daddy) are going to my younger son’s baseball party on a party barge on Lake Travis today.  It will be good to get with other people, just talk and have a good time while the kids do their thing.  Never been out in one of these boats, but it should be a good time, and Stac and I should be good and be a little more pleasant. (I heard booze sometimes does that to people, lol).  Actually, no, everything has been ok for a couple hours, lol.  I am dying to kiss her, like a real kiss with soft lips and everything, but I am trying to really hold back and not push the issue too much.

We’ll see what happens today, lol


Until Again,

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